JAPAN MATERIAL Co., Ltd. (the "Company”) manages any personal information received from customers via email communications in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
バカラ ルールompany strives to avoid any impingement of a customer rights or interests through the acquisition, holding, use, or disclosure of that specific customer’s personal information.
Customers can visit バカラ ルールompany's website without disclosing their personal information. No personal information will be collected when customers are merely viewing バカラ ルールompany's website.
バカラ ルールompany's website collects access logs in order to analyze website usage. However, this access log information is used as anonymous information for statistical analysis purposes and does not include any personal information. Furthermore, バカラ ルールompany does not use cookies on its website.
バカラ ルールompany strives to protect any personal customer information acquired by バカラ ルールompany by establishing internal regulations and management systems, educating employees, and taking appropriate measures to prevent unauthorized access to personal information or the loss, destruction, falsification, or leakage of personal information. These measures are subject to continuous review to ensure the proper protection of personal information.
バカラ ルールompany restricts the use of customers’ personal information to the extent required for the following purposes:
- To respond to inquiries or consultations
- To execute contracts concluded between a customer(s) and バカラ ルールompany
- To send information about upcoming events, etc. to customers
バカラ ルールompany will not share a customer’s personal information with a third party without prior consent of バカラ ルールustomer except, on occasion, in the following circumstances:
- Complying with legal obligations
- If necessary to protect a person's safety or property and difficult to obtain a customer's consent
- If バカラ ルールompany determines that for purposes of national security, law enforcement, or other issues of public importance, the use of customers’ personal information is necessary or appropriate, and obtaining a customer's consent could interfere with the achievement of the purposes.
バカラ ルールompany strives to uphold all laws, regulations, and other standards relating to the handling of customers’ personal information and to continually review and improve this Privacy Policy.